Wednesday 28 February 2018

Q3 Cuffs realism

How far does the extract try to create a sense that it is portraying 'real life'?

  • In your answer you should: analyse aspects of the extract giving detailed examples 
  • judge how far these aspects create a sense of watching 'real life 

The extract is very good at portraying "real life". 

One example is the realism of the police. Realistic uniforms, police cars, radio talk and police terms are used. This helps to give a sense of real life because they use the same police related things as would be used in real life. In the extract the police deal with pretty realistic situations and they react in the way police would react in the real world. 

The concept of a "rookie" cop being pared with an experienced cop is also realistic. They do this in real police forces so that the less experienced police officers can be mentored and given first hand training. 

The camera work also uses a large amount of realism. Shot-reverse shots and handheld shots use realism because they follow whoever is speaking or moving. In a conversation with two or more other people you are likely to be looking at whoever is speaking so the shot reverse-shot makes you feel that you are there with the people in the show. In hand-held shots, the bobbing of the camera mimics the walking motion of people which gives a sense that you are walking along with the police officers. 

1 comment:

  1. Mark 12 out of 15. You are getting there.
    1.The lighting looks realistic / natural.
    2.Locations such as the shopping centre are naturalistic.
    3.You are right that hand-held suggests documentary realism.
    4.The 'cinematic' shots such as the aerial shot of the car chase might detract from the realism by drawing attention to themselves.
