Tuesday 26 February 2019

PREP Write freely about the house style of Clash music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians are represented, layout, font, colour and so on.

Clash magazine has quite a unique house style that is different to many other music magazines. The Magazines all  have large sans-serif block text, always in white, and sometimes add a tumbling effect to the edition number. 
The front covers are very clean and have little text, which reduces the clutter of the page. Clash present their musicians in a somewhat surreal way, sometimes using vibrant colours and sometimes monochrome. Sometimes the musician is partly out of shot and sometimes there is a close-up on their face. In one magazine the musician is presented as saint-like - gazing up in an angelic way - and in another front cover, the musician is presented as "untouchable", since they appear to be looking down their nose at the reader. 

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Analyse the representations found in the UK television ad break for The Lego Movie.

There is a wide range of representations in the Lego Movie ad break to appeal to a wide range of audiences. The ad break includes adverts by BHF, Confused.com, BT and Premier Inn, all recreated using Lego. These are well known adverts which almost everyone will recognise and will thus appeal to a wide audience, since they are trusted brands. This will especially appeal to an older audience since the adverts feature actors such as Vinny Jones and Lenny Henry. The use of well known adverts and actors that represent reliability and quality will attract a larger audience to see the film. 

The ad break also uses humour, represented by how these famous adverts have been changed and replaced with Lego characters. The BHF  advert is particularly humorous by using Vinny Jones, who is often portrayed a 'tough-guy', to teach people about CPR. 
Real life is presented by the normality of the content in the ad break, showing everyday things such as domestic life, insurance and health. These representations would appeal to a wide audience and encourage more people to see the film. 

At the end of the ad break there is a trailer for the Lego Movie itself, which would be the most likely to incite the audience to see the film. Representations are also made in the trailer, both stereotypical and non-stereotypical. Emmet is to an extent presented in line with the stereotypical strong male character. However, this stereotype is largely challenged as Emmet acts quite frightened in most of the trailer and does not seem like much of a macho hero. The character of Wyldstyle also challenges the stereotypical female character and is instead presented as strong, fierce and independent. These anti-stereotypical representations would interest a large audience to see the film, especially a young one.