Blumler and Katz's theory is that of uses and gratifications. The theory states that audiences seek out media to meet their specific wants and needs. They believe audiences seek out specific media for four main reasons: surveillance, relationships, values and relaxation. Surveillance is when they see what other people are doing in the world and how they deal with it. They watch certain films or TV shows to build relationships with the characters and other people who watch the same things. The audience mainly view media that reflect their own personal values and they view media to relax after a long day. Audiences will play different video games for the same reasons.
The Lego Movie Video Game will generally appeal more to younger audiences, even though the film upon which it is based can appeal to a wide age range. An example of gratifications children may get out of the game is the sense of good and evil. They will be rooting for the "good guy", such as Emmet and Wyldstyle, to win instead of the "bad guys", such as Lord Business,; this is an example of values, which the children believe in, being reflected by the game.
An example of both, values being reflected and relationships, is the fact that Emmet is presented as an ordinary guy. A lot of kids can relate with Emmet because they feel that they are also very average and ordinary people just like Emmet is. To see an ordinary person become a hero, who "saves the day" gives them a sense of determination and hope that they too can accomplish their goals and dreams.
Although mainly set for a younger audience a younger audience may enjoy the game and film for some of the jokes and references in it. For instance the frequently referenced "Piece of resistance", although it might go over the heads of most children, is a clear play on words of the French saying pièce de résistance. This is just one example of jokes and references which can satisfy the gratifications of the older audiences.
Another example of relationships is that of the recognition of the characters. People will recognise the characters from the Lego Movie game, from the film and/or the actors which voice the charterers. For example if someone's favourite actor is Chris Pratt, they will have their gratifications met because Chris Pratt voices the character Emmet.
In conclusion, people will play specific video games for the same reasons they might watch specific films; they recognise and relate with the characters in it, they find out how the characters deal with certain situations, they see their personal values reflected by the narrative and they enjoy it and like the game-play.
An example of both, values being reflected and relationships, is the fact that Emmet is presented as an ordinary guy. A lot of kids can relate with Emmet because they feel that they are also very average and ordinary people just like Emmet is. To see an ordinary person become a hero, who "saves the day" gives them a sense of determination and hope that they too can accomplish their goals and dreams.
Although mainly set for a younger audience a younger audience may enjoy the game and film for some of the jokes and references in it. For instance the frequently referenced "Piece of resistance", although it might go over the heads of most children, is a clear play on words of the French saying pièce de résistance. This is just one example of jokes and references which can satisfy the gratifications of the older audiences.
Another example of relationships is that of the recognition of the characters. People will recognise the characters from the Lego Movie game, from the film and/or the actors which voice the charterers. For example if someone's favourite actor is Chris Pratt, they will have their gratifications met because Chris Pratt voices the character Emmet.
In conclusion, people will play specific video games for the same reasons they might watch specific films; they recognise and relate with the characters in it, they find out how the characters deal with certain situations, they see their personal values reflected by the narrative and they enjoy it and like the game-play.